Adding a New Navigation List (Enterprise Only)

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Extender 2015

Adding a New Navigation List (Enterprise Only)

* This feature is only available in Extender Enterprise. *


Use the Extender Navigation Lists window to define new Navigation Lists.


There are 4 types of eXtender Navigation List:

Free Form - provides a search engine style interface
Calendar - provides a calendar style interface where users can select a date and a second search parameter to restrict the records shown
Combination - allows up to 8 parameters that can be selected to restrict the records shown
List Values - displays a list of parameters that can be used to restrict the records shown


To add a new Navigation List:

1.Click on the Navigation button on the Extender Forms setup window.



2.Click the Add button to the right of the Navigation Lists



3.Enter a name for the list.
4.Select the List Type.
5.Select Search Fields.
6.Select Display Fields.
7.Click on the Save button.



Search fields are fields that can be used to restrict the records shown. If the field is a text field, you can select whether the search will use exact or partial matching.


To select a search field:

1.Click on the Add button above the Search Fields list.

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2.Select the Search Field.
3.If the field selected is a string field, select the Search Method.
4.Click on the Save button.



If the search is based on a multicurrency form, only originating currency fields can be selected as search fields.



Display Fields are the fields that are displayed when a record is found by the Navigation List.


To select a Display field:

1.Click on the Add button above the Display Fields list.
2.Select the Display Field/s that you want to add to the Navigation List results.
3.Click on the Add button.



If the search is based on a multicurrency form, only originating currency fields can be selected as search fields.



To preview a Navigation List:

1.Click on the Navigation button on the Extender Forms setup window.
2.Select the Navigation list to view
3.Click the Preview button to the right of the Navigation List list.



Once a Navigation List setup complete, it would need to be added to a menu for end users to access it.