An empty office, hissing air conditioning, a 3-inch-thick Sydney Metro yellow pages, a desk, and a phone. No customers, No income, No salary. Starting a new business is not at all glamourous. It is hard, really hard.

This September will be our 20th birthday – and we plan to celebrate.

Everyone on the eOne team has heard me make repeated announcements like “There were 60 new companies in June that have chosen to rely on us” OR “over the past year, 700 new companies rely on our software and support”. What you will never hear me say is “we sold 700 deals”. These may seem like semantics, but to me, there is a massive difference between those two statements.

I never carefully selected these words ‘rely on’. These were the words that came naturally to describe the relationship I expect eOne to have with each customer.

I can still clearly remember the first customer that decided to rely upon eOne back in 2001. I remain proud that over 20,000 companies have made that same decision over the past 20 years. When someone selects eOne software, they are relying on our developers to write great code. They rely on our QA team to make quick fixes. They rely on our implementation and support team for help. Our customers do not just purchase software, they rely on us, and therefore, they rely on me.

We expected our customers to be able to rely on us, even back in 2001. I often lost sleep at night when considering the trust that companies were putting in a small startup. I got to know each customer personally and would worry, what if something went wrong and we let them down? What if we had a massive bug in our software? What if we could not deliver what we promised? It was never about just selling software for me; it was about ensuring our customers could rely on us.

I am on a mission to ensure that every one of our customers over the first 20 years can rely on us for the next 20 years.

There have been many industry changes over the last 20 years, and eOne has evolved and adapted as things change. At one point in our journey, eOne had a very successful OEM contract with Microsoft. Next thing I know, I’m moving my family from Australia to Fargo, North Dakota to consolidate and grow the business. Things have changed in the software industry over the last twenty years. Cloud storage, the subscription model, aging ERP’s, apps, APIs, and of course, COVID-19 in 2020. At eOne Solutions, we have been dealing with all of these changes, and are very confident we have a plan to support all our customers in whatever software decisions they are making.

We have so much to share with you that we are holding a FREE 3-day event for our partners and customers this September. We are holding this event to make it clear that you can rely on eOne and that we have a plan for you.

  1. You can rely on us: if you have decided to continue with Dynamics GP for the next 10 years.
  2. You can rely on us: if you have decided it is time to move to Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  3. You can rely on us: if you are making decisions to move to other ERPs like NetSuite.
  4. You can rely on us: if you are adopting multiple Business Productivity apps into your business.
  5. You can rely on us: if you are confused by Azure and Digital Transformation.

We are making this event 100% free as our birthday gift to you. Even though it is our birthday, this virtual event is all about you. We want your feedback, we want to show you some awesome new solutions, we want you to get to know our team and we want to get to know you. We want you to be able to rely on us.

Sign up here for the eOne Event 2021. 

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Send a message to our sales team at