Amplify 2018 is set to be the best its been yet! There has never been a better time to be involved with a midmarket ERP, with Microsoft Dynamics GP stronger than ever. If you are a partner, there is so much opportunity right now in the GP space – which makes this an exciting time for all of us. And what better time to attend a GP-focused event than now?

So, if you’re on the fence about attending, here are 3 reasons you should register today!

1. Face to face interaction. First and foremost, Nicole Albertson and myself will be there (isn’t that reason enough?!). We have such easy access to information today. The web offers us so many ways to connect, learn, collaborate, express ourselves, monitor and measure it’s almost dizzying! However, I think we can all agree that nothing beats face to face interaction!

At Amplify, you can look Microsoft, your partner, a key ISV, or your customer in the eye and talk about opportunities, challenges, and ideas. Where else are you going to get so many customers, partners, and ISV’s together in one place, passionate about GP? Where else can you share relevant new ideas, points of view, and new trends that could impact your business? Amplify is the place to be.

2. Educational Opportunities. No matter how experienced you are with GP there’s always room to learn more. Amplify has sessions designed for your growth. Where else can you take a deep dive into various areas of GP & learn from Microsoft and your peers?

An educational session to add to your list is about an easy and powerful reporting solution in GP. Come see our SmartList Builder session on Wednesday, March 21st at 1:15pm (Room: Water Tower A) with our product expert Nicole Albertson.

3. GP is Evolving. Maybe you bought GP many years ago. Have you been able to keep up with every change made from the day you purchased it? Likely not. Microsoft has continued to improve GP for the evolving needs of customers. As ISV’s we have done some amazing things to ensure that GP remains on the leading edge, as well. Come and learn how GP can continue to grow with you and remain your ERP for years to come.

What’s your next step?

For starters, go tell your boss that you need to go to Amplify. If you are the boss – send your team there – you won’t regret it. Register here and start making your travel plans to attend GPUG Amplify.

After you’ve registered, contact me so we can set up a time to meet!