Worldwide Partner Conference in Houston is less than a week away and we are certain you are busy determining the sessions you’d like to attend and which booths to stop by. With that in mind, I would like to personally invite you to stop by and visit with me at our booth, #2030, while you’re at the conference.

Top 5 Reasons to Stop By the eOne Booth

  1. See SmartConnect, the integration solutions that’s taking the CRM world by storm.
  2. Discuss your customers’ integration projects and get recommendations on the spot.
  3. Learn how eOne can help you bill more and drive CRM projects galore.
  4. Have an ISV solution that would benefit from flexible out of the box integration points? We want to partner with you & drive business together!
  5. Tell us your CRM challenges. We want to hear ’em!

Thank you for your time and I truly look forward to meeting you at WPC!

Want to arrange for a meeting with the eOne team outside of expo hours? Email me ( and we’ll get something set up!