From sea to shining sea legacy integration, migration, and automation clunkers are being traded in and customers are benefiting by receiving US $1,000 rebates when they purchase SmartConnect.

Within hours of eOne’s Cash for Clunkers program’s official release, the balance on the Dynamics stimulus package is already shrinking, now down to $26,000. Congratulations to Sunergi, eTelligent, T3 Information Systems, and Admiral-West for being the first to help their customers trade in their clunkers!

At the rate the program is moving, we’re projecting it will now be over by the end of August. Act now! Give me a call or send me an email ( if you’d like to reserve your clunker trade-in before it’s too late.

For more information on eOne’s Cash for Clunkers program please see the blog post below or call me at 888.319.3663 ext. 717.