We’re just under 8 weeks away to reImagine – the best event this fall for Dynamics GP partners to attend. We think all GP partners should attend and send both their sales teams and their consulting/development teams.

What’s unique about reImagine is that the event is tailored just for you, the GP partner. You don’t have to worry about making sure your customers are in the right sessions or visiting with the right ISVs in the expo. Call it your “me” time. Step away from the office and focus on what you need – to train, learn and network with peers.

reImagine is also the place to hear directly from Microsoft on Project Madeira and Dynamics 365 – and to learn how to position yourself for success on all sides. And, if you haven’t heard – Fargo is where much of Project Madeira is being coded – so this is your opportunity to ask the dev resources all the questions you’ve had brewing. 

At eOne, we’re excited to have so many GP partners coming back to our home city. Before reImagine starts, we’ll be hosting a SmartConnect bootcamp (September 17th & 18th) – which is a great opportunity for consultants, presales techs and developers to become integration experts. At the end of the bootcamp, each attendee will have the option to take the a test and become SmartConnect certified. Last quarter we had over 20 consultants become SmartConnect certified (and note that the test is not easy – so they all earned the certification)! Reach out to us if you have questions or if you’d like to sign up.

Finally, while reImagine is underway, we’ll have the US team available for one on one meetings to discuss how we can continue growing our partnership together. Let us know if you’d like to get together and we’ll make time to connect. This is your time to interact with our support, sales and services team – so please reach out to us! 

We’ll continue sharing our thoughts on reImagine over the coming weeks, but if you remember anything – it should be – invest in reImagine!