Ali 2 - Edit
We have a growing team down in Austin, TX! Another member of the Popdock team is Ali Talpur. Ali Talpur is a Jr. Software Developer working on building connectors who joined the team a little over a month ago! Read more below for what Ali had to say about joining the eOne team.

I have no such names.

When did you start working at eOne?
June 13, 2016.

What have you worked on recently that you’re proud of?
I am extremely proud of everything I have currently done for Popdock and hope to continue that trend.

What are you passionate about outside of work? 
I have always been passionate about video games and am currently obsessed with The Witcher 3.

What’s on your bucket list?
To become a successful software developer.

Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?
Currently the addiction to Pokémon GO fever going around here at the moment is a blast.

What’s playing in your headphones?
Something extremely random on Spotify.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Ali! Feel free to shoot him an email at