We are very excited to welcome Oluwadamilola “Dami” Ajayi to the eOne team! Dami is one of our Support Engineers and will be working out of our office in Fargo, ND. You’ll definitely interact with him in the upcoming months. In the meantime – take a few moments to get to know him a little bit more!

Q: Do you have any fun projects that you’ve worked on before coming to eOne? 

I have worked on many projects over the years but the most “note-able” would be a note-taking mobile application.

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

I am passionate about Football (soccer in America). If I am not outdoors playing, then I am indoors with my console playing with friends and others online trying to figure out if there is anyone better than me.

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

  • Visit every continent, if not half the countries in the World.
  • Sky diving.
  • Act in a Movie.
  • Attend the World Cup

Q: Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?

I remember my first day, Lorren had a hard time pronouncing my name and wanted to offer a gift card to anyone in the Company that pronounced it correctly on the first try. Lorren still has the gift card to this day.

Q: What’s playing in your headphones?

African Giant – Burna Boy & Twice as Tall – Burna Boy.

Q: What TV show are you binge watching/watched most recently?

Patriot Act, Blacklist, and The Office

Now that you know Dami a little more, send him a message to say hello. You can reach him at oluwadamilola.ajayi@eonesolutions.com.