We are pleased to welcome James Suhon to the eOne team. James is a Graduate Support Engineer and will be working out of the eOne office in Fargo, ND. No doubt you’ll interact with him in the coming months, but in the meantime – take a few moments to get to know him a little bit more.

Q: Do you have any fun projects that you’ve worked on before coming to eOne?

A: Easily the most fun project I’ve worked on before coming to eOne has to be the fully functional PokeDex that I built the previous summer for my internship. It was very helpful in developing my development skills as well as allowing me to get creative with the appearance and the presentation of each entry.

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

A: Cooking without a doubt. I first started to teach myself how to cook during the summer of 2020 and from there just fell down the rabbit hole. My “cooking style” is easily hearty meals that stick to your ribs as some might say. My go-to’s are Chili, Pork Chops, as well as any type of breakfast food (even though I have yet to successfully make an omelet.)

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

: One of the bigger entries on my bucket list has to be finishing up the project car I’ve had for a few years now. It’s a 1965 GMC pickup that has a 1966 Camaro motor in it. I got it from my grandpa as an inheritance and due to me being at college as well as being sufficiently broke, it has made progress quite slow. But I do plan to finish it up one day and make that my nice summer driver.

Q: Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?

A: Easily the debate on what I should be referred to as. For lore purposes, Katie Soderberg is the sister of my cousin’s husband, so we knew each other before I started and knows me as Jimmy and my legal first name is James. Personally, I do not have a preference between the two, but it has been fun watching some people in the office try to pick one or the other.

Q: What’s playing in your headphones?

A: I listen to a variety of music and do not have a dislike towards most music. Usually, it will likely be either older country music (Toby Keith, Brooks & Dunn, etc.), metal, or any form of rock or rap. I can guarantee that K-Pop or Florida Georgia Line will never be playing. Not a fan of either of those.

Q: What TV show are you binge-watching/watched most recently?

A: Anything Star Wars. I am a massive Star Wars nerd and my desk will likely start to show elements of that as my time here continues. I have binged through both seasons of The Mandalorian twice, The Book of Boba Fett, and am now absolutely hooked on Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is the Way and May the Force be with you.

Now that you know James a bit more, send him a message to say hello. You can reach him at james.suhon@eonesolutions.com