We are pleased to welcome Stephen Myers to the eOne team. Stephen is a Front End Engineer on the Popdock team and will be working out of his home in Leander, TX. No doubt you’ll interact with him in the coming months, but in the meantime – take a few moments to get to know him a little bit more.

Q: Do you have any fun projects that you’ve worked on before coming to eOne?

No, not really. I’ve been focused on the k1 immigration process that my new wife was going through and after the vacation, I got hired here! After we got married we decided to take a road trip down to Florida where my family owns a condo that’s 20 minutes away from Universal Studios and spend 2 weeks there. After that, we drove back and stayed a night at the new Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, Texas. The things I’m working on were all started after I got hired here (learning how to do penetration testing on web apps and individual machines mainly).

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m passionate about solo developing games. Ever since I was 13 I fell in love with the idea of making my own games and having my peers play and enjoy them. I love to create game mechanics, 3D models, environments and learn new techniques to better my skills and myself. I also have recently started delving into penetration testing and have been practicing when I’m able to. I also have a weird fascination with different types of malware, trojans, rootkits, etc… It’s very interesting to watch people deconstruct new/old viruses and show how they work and how they get through antivirus software.

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

I’ve never really thought about my bucket list, but I know I’ve always wanted to learn how to fly a 2-seater plane, so I wanted to start by getting a paramotor and learning how to fly it.

Q: Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?

There was one time when I was working from home and in a weekly meeting and my new puppy got up on the couch. I had my legs up, and she walked across them to put her head on top of my laptop, paw my laptop off my lap, and attack my face with licks. No one ever knew what happened, since my mic and camera were off, but it would’ve been golden if they were on.

Q: What’s playing in your headphones?

The music I listen to is quite a wide range, but somewhat specific at the same time. I LOVE instrumental rock/metal like Steve Vai, Animals as Leaders, and Electric Sunrise. Estas Tonne is another incredible guitarist on the other side of the instrumental guitar spectrum if I’m wanting a more uplifting and creative enabling feel. Post-rock is another really great genre if you want a more atmospheric and slow/downbeat feel. This Will Destroy You is a phenomenal post-rock group I will never forget. I have a profound appreciation for classical/electric piano compositions that Nils Frahm makes too. Last but not least, I love the feeling that ambient music brings to my ears, like Stars of the Lid.

If I’m not listening to music then I’m listening to random YouTube commentary/instructional videos or listening to people screw around with various phone call scammers. At some point, I do want to use my skills to help combat scammers in some way or another.

Q: What TV show are you binge-watching/watched most recently?

Smiling Friends on Adult Swim. I followed the animators that made this show since they started on YouTube and it’s awesome to see how far they’ve gotten. On top of that, it’s a hilarious show, especially if you know the small references they put in throughout the show. I don’t watch shows too often because when I find a show I really enjoy, I do nothing but watch it, and find my productivity plummeting until I finish it. Thankfully, Smiling Friends is only collectively ~1 hour long.

Now that you know Stephen a bit more, send him a message to say hello. You can reach him at stephen.myers@eonesolutions.com