We are pleased to welcome Tanmay Singh Madan to the eOne team. Tanmay is our Business Development Representative in EMEA and will be working from Copenhagen, Denmark. No doubt you’ll interact with him in the coming months, but in the meantime – take a few moments to get to know him a little bit more.

Q: Do you have any fun projects that you’ve worked on before coming to eOne?

Prior to working at eOne, my mother and I started one of India’s first LGBTQ+ matchmaking services, called Aarzoo (“Desire” in Hindi) where members of the community could find the love of their lives and we made sure to provide them with a secure and personalized experience, unlike dating apps.

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

I’m a big fan of heavy metal music. Back in the good ol’ days when we didn’t have a pandemic to worry about, I used to love going to concerts and exploring new musicians. Apart from that, I used to be a competitive swimmer and I also love to volunteer at various Animal welfare charities.

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

I’d love to go Bungee jumping someday.

Q: Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?

While working on my lead funnel, I was told people often put down fake names in the online form. One person, in particular, put down his name as Petro Poroshenko, the prime minister of Ukraine, which I thought was hilarious.

Q: What’s playing in your headphones?

The Danish metal band, VOLA is one that isn’t evading my playlist these days.

Q: What TV show are you binge-watching/watched most recently?

Never Have I Ever on Netflix. A great show that highlights the Indian American experience and that of minorities in general.

Now that you know Tanmay a bit more, send him a message to say hello. You can reach him at tanmay.madan@eonesolutions.com