This week we are shining the spotlight on one of our newest team members. Lahiru Kariyawasam, is part of our talented development team, and we are lucky that he joined us! I sat down with Lahiru asked asked him a few questions. We hope you enjoy getting to know him as well!

Do you have any nicknames people should know about?
I don’t really have any nicknames that I go by. Maybe just my call sign in Call of Duty. My name itself seems hard enough for some people, so I get lots of variations of that. In case you are wondering the best way to pronounce it is to break it into 3 simple syllables LA (as in law school) HI (as in he is a great developer) and RU (as in kangaroo).

When did you start and what do you do at eOne?
I started working at eOne couple of months ago ( 10th of August to be exact) and I work as a Web Application Developer.

What is something really awesome that you’ve done lately at eOne? 
There are a lot of really interesting and challenging projects I get to work on here. Recently we built an integration solution for Zendesk and Dynamics CRM 2015. There are definitely learning curves, but I am really excited to  be working in the world of web APIs.

What are you passionate about outside of work?
I love to play Cricket and Football (not American). It’s really good to see lot of people in Fargo are now interested in those sports as well. Apart from that, I like playing chess, RPG games or solving puzzles when there’s some free time.

What’s on your bucket list?
Number one is backpacking in Europe. I’ve always wanted to do that. Also, I want to help improve the education system in Sri Lanka (my home country), because there are tons of talented children that are not supported well enough to continue their education.

Any eOne memories that first come to mind?
Working with the eOne crew is always fun. But the #SmartnerParty was an awesome experience and I’m glad I could be a part of it.

What’s playing in your headphones?
I like listening to Hardwell and other Electro music. For some unknown reason, it helps me concentrate on my work, especially when I’m coding.

We hope you enjoyed meeting Lahiru – feel free reach out to him at