This week we introduce to you Mark Anderson, one of our Senior Technical Consultants. Although he’s out of the office volunteering today, he took some time earlier this week to share a little bit about himself with us below:

Do you have any nicknames people should know about?
Back in college everyone had a nickname based on their last name, so I was Andy. This confused many people that my name really was not Andy. However, I have been called many names in my life and answer to most.

When did you start and what do you do at eOne?
I started at eOne in August of 2014 as a Senior Technical Consultant.

What is something really awesome that you’ve done lately at eOne?
There was one day not too long ago, where I realized when I got home that I had coded in 5 different programming languages that day, and kept the syntax correct!

What are you passionate about outside of work?
Spending time with my family has always been on top of my list (Fun fact: they are dedicated Disney World attendees – 8 years in a row and counting)! As my kids have grown, I have focused on volunteer work. I am a Make-A-Wish wish granter, a volunteer for almost 25 years with the local Children’s Miracle Network hospital and a few other events as they come up. Of course, in the fall my passion is the Minnesota Vikings! SKOL!!

What’s on your bucket list?
To travel to all 50 states. I have been stuck at 38 states for a little over a year. So anyone in the following states, if you need an eOne person onsite, let me know: Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, West Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Montana, Alaska or Hawaii. Even if you are not in one of those states, and need an eOne person onsite let me know.

Any eOne memories that first come to mind?
Most of the funny memories should not be shared in a public forum! The office environment is fun every day, laughter, joking and everyone helping out anyone in need. It makes almost every day fun to come to work.

What’s playing in your headphones?
I listen to a wide range of music, so depending on the moment you ask it could be some jazz, some 80’s hair bands, some swing era, some heavy metal, and yes, even a little country. There is very little music I do not like, even classical that has no lyrics to sing along to.

We hope you enjoyed meeting Mark – feel free to drop him a line at!