There are plenty of blog articles out there about what a great time everyone had in Atlanta last week. I will not write another – but rest assured it was both the busiest and best event I have attended. If you have never attended Convergence – then you simply must book in for next year. It is not optional, block out your calendar and start planning for next year now.

What I love most about Convergence is learning. For me that does not result from attending a bunch of presentations or listening to Steve Ballmer. In fact I can never be sure when the learning actually happens but it comes to me on the long flight home.

Somewhere in my subconscious, and usually one very bad meal and an action movie later, roughly above Hawaii – things seem to synthesize in my mind. I have never been to Hawaii but I have always been thankful for its airspace!

So out of Convergence, and based on what I heard from partners and customers – here is a snapshot of Action items eOne is going to be executing in the next few months:

1. Adding 2-3 people to our team. (Support and Consulting services)
2. Improving our collaboration tools to allow our team, our customers and resellers to communicate better, share experiences, post code samples, distribute solutions.
3. Take a long hard look at the style, format and content of our documentation
4. Improve ability to self learn SmartConnect
5. Helping GPUG to distribute SLB solution and run SLB Tuesdays.
6. Spend time reviewing and correcting ‘all the little things’ that can cause frustration in our tools.

What I find most amazing at Convergence is the passion of Microsoft Dynamics GP customers. This is a seriously clever, and very energetic group of people.

eOne had our largest showing ever with 10 people present in Atlanta with 5 of our team from Fargo and 5 from Sydney. People often ask me why we bring people from our development team and help desk team to convergence. The answer is very simple:

1. Only at Convergence do they realise how many people use eOne software.
2. Only at Convergence do they see how our solutions impact the working lives of individuals
3. Only at Convergence do we get face to face feedback from so many customers
4. Only at Convergence do you fall over at the amazing things customers have done with our tools – things we never imagined!

Thanks to everyone that gave us feedback last week, and thanks to all our customers that took time to share their amazing stories with us. As a team we have come home energized, excited and ready to deliver another year of software that makes Dynamics GP a whole lot better.