GPUG Amplify is THE spring go-to event for Dynamics GP users. Here’s why we think you, (yes YOU!), should attend: 

1. You get to hear the information you want about Dynamics GP, direct from the source – Microsoft. Want to know the product direction? See GP 2016? Look into the eyes of a Microsoft support guru? Go to Amplify!
2. Format: where else can you get so much attention from the Microsoft team that you actually WANT to interact with or the ISV’s that you use on a daily basis? Go to Amplify! 
3. Been tasked with a new GP project, but your current system functionality just not covering it? Visit the expo hall and determine if there’s an easier, better way to accomplish your goal – without reinventing the wheel. Go to Amplify! 
4. Ready to brush up on your GP skills or have a new employee that needs to add to their skill set? The breakout sessions are a great place to gain skills you need to make your life in GP a whole lot easier. Go to Amplify!
5. Itching to network with other Dynamics GP professionals? (Say it with me here…) Go to Amplify! 

BONUS: Upset at the fact you won’t see eOne at Convergence (RIP) and can’t wait until the fall for another event? We’ll be there and would be delighted to connect with you! 

Here’s our tip of the day: Sign up now! Early bird registration ends March 25th (Friday) so now is your time.  We look forward to seeing you there!!