Once upon a time there was a company called Microsoft that acquired its way into the mid-market ERP space. The first few years went dreamily as Microsoft generally left the existing companies of Great Plains, Navision and Axapta alone. Following its all-consuming passion for the cloud, Microsoft started forcing the ERP group to get on board and cloudify.

Microsoft, letting the horse run before the cart, made a big launch with a huge confusing marketing spend that they called Dynamics 365 – out of which a solution called 365 Business Edition was prematurely delivered. This tool was confused from the get-go and had muted success.

The result was a great fear which spread across the Microsoft mid-market ERP ecosystem – that to support this failed endeavor, Microsoft may kill off GP and NAV. Doing so would fulfill Microsoft’s dream of seeing their existing ERP base support their Azure Consumption targets.

Wise heads prevailed: Microsoft went back to develop a new plan and have another try at delivering a mid-market ERP cloud.

Microsoft gets it right.

But that’s not the end of the story. How did Microsoft turn things around? Continue reading here.