With the October 2020 Microsoft Dynamics GP (18.3) Release, one popular question we’ve received recently from our partners and customers is:  When will eOne’s products will be compatible and released with this new version of Dynamics GP?

We know we have many partners and customers ready to upgrade Dynamics GP, which means their ISV solutions they use with Dynamics GP need to be ready too.  Our goal and plan is to ensure our family of products for Dynamics GP (Smartlist Builder, SmartView, Extender, Node Builder, Flexicoder, SmartPost, SmartConnect, and Popdock) are compatible and available within two weeks of Microsoft’s major release.  We’re working diligently to meet this goal and once our next product releases are available, we will publish an announcement on our eOne Blog and the software product downloads with documentation will be available in our Downloads.

If you have questions, you can give us a call at +1-888-319-3663, click to chat on our site, or email our support team at support@eonesolutions.com to submit a ticket.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience!