Now that we’ve introduced you to one of Popdock‘s new features, Matrix Reporting, it’s time to dive deeper into this data analysis tool. In our upcoming webinar, “Getting Started with Matrix Reporting in Popdock,” we’ll equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize the value of your data.

Join us on June 13th at 10:00 a.m. CDT to discover how you can create automatic summaries, perform easy analyses, and more using the capabilities of Popdock’s matrix reporting feature.

Here’s what we’ve got on the docket: 

  • Introduction to Matrix Reporting: We’ll start by exploring the fundamentals of matrix reporting and understanding how it changes the way data is visualized and analyzed.
  • Creating Automatic Summaries: You will learn how to summarize and consolidate complex data sets using Popdock’s matrix reporting functionality. Automatic summaries provide valuable insights at a glance.
  • Analyzing Data Made Easy: We’ll guide you through the process of effortlessly analyzing your data with Popdock by demonstrating how matrix reporting simplifies the identification of trends, patterns, and outliers.
  • Customizing Matrix Reports: We’ll be able to explore the various customization options available in Popdock’s matrix reporting feature. From formatting and styling to sorting and filtering, we’ll show you how to tailor your reports to meet your needs.
  • Tips and Best Practices: You will gain valuable tips and best practices, ensuring you get the most out of your matrix reports in Popdock. 

Can’t make the webinar? No problem, we will send a recording to all registrants. 


Questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at