Since 2001, eOne Solutions has provided superior products and services to help customers customize, integrate, automate and report on their ERP and CRM data. 

Looking ahead to 2021, eOne Solutions remains committed to a model of software development focused on continual improvement, with regular hotfixes, service packs, and functional releases within both our cloud products, and as well as in our on-premise products, SmartConnect, Extender, SmartList Builder, SmartView, NodeBuilder, SmartPost and Flexicoder.

Behind the scenes over the past 5 years, we’ve invested heavily in the development of our cloud offerings with the intention to future-proof your software investments:

  • Future Proof Integrations– so our customers can successfully connect their cloud and on-premise apps with SmartConnect (both our cloud version and our on-premise software).
  • Future Proof Reporting – so our customers can access SmartLists from GP, Business Central or from another app anywhere – via mobile, the web, via a portal, or within their favorite application.
  • Future Proof your Business – by providing platforms that reach beyond the Microsoft ecosystem.

We have not and will not rush our customers to the cloud, but we will be here to assist with your transition, on your terms. The advantages of both integration and reporting in the cloud are very real and have led to some amazing solutions that are simply unavailable to those companies that remain running their software on premise.

With the pricing adjustments on January 4, 2021, our primary goal is to provide outstanding value to our customers. Pricing adjustments are necessary as eOne adapts to the changing cost structures of delivering SAAS solutions.  eOne’s commitment is to continued investment in the on-premise and cloud experiences that our customers use now and will use in the future as they transition fully to the cloud when the time is right.


What’s changing on January 4, 2021?

Specifically, we’re updating our pricing models for SmartConnect Subscriptions, our SmartConnect Perpetual license model, and Popdock Subscriptions.

  • SmartConnect Subscriptions – We’re introducing three plans – Basic, Business, and Premium. These plans all provide dual use rights to both Smartconnect On-premise and to, eOne’s iPAAS cloud version.  The plans are all inclusive of the product features and are tiered based on number of connections and levels of support, training and services. Customers may pre-pay for one, two, or three years of subscription to receive additional discounts for new purchases and with our transition offers.


  • SmartConnect Perpetual Licensing – We’re introducing an 8-year site license + 20% Annual Enhancement for three plans – Basic, Business and Premium. Our 8-year site license + AEP includes the SmartConnect On-Premise product only.  Support, training, and services may be purchased separately.  Considering our Annual Enhancement Plans (AEP) is based on our list pricing, we’ve introduced offers for our existing customers to receive protected AEP prices for two years or transition to subscription at a reduced price.


  • Popdock Subscriptions – We’re introducing three plans – Basic, Business and Premium, which are inclusive of the product features and tiered based on a limit of Popdock app users and query usage. This update to the plan inclusions better supports the most popular way to use Popdock – to embed Popdock data where users work, so they can be more efficient and access the Smartlist-type detail they need quickly to do their job better.  Popdock widgets are now available across all plans.


  • Our Popdock and SmartConnect license and renewal pricing in the CAD, NZD and AUD also better reflects today’s currency translations.



What’s not changing on January 4, 2021?

Many things are not changing:

  • All of our pricing on our perpetual, SAAS subscription and renewal items for SmartList Builder, SmartView, SmartPost, Extender Standard, Extender Enterprise, Node Builder, and Flexicoder have not changed. Also, here is no adjustment on currency translations for these items between Q4 2020 and Q1 2021. 
  • Pricing on services, support and training is not changing.
  • Our eOne Partner Program is not changing.


Where can I learn more?

We’ve put a lot of detail together to support our partners and customers as they communicate these changes.  Following are documents you can access to learn about what’s changing, transitions offers for existing customers, how we’re communicating, and sample communication guides.  They may be accessed on eOne’s partner resources here, and include:

  • eOne Solutions Quarterly Price Lists
  • SmartConnect Pricing Guide (PDF’s by Currency)
  • Popdock Pricing Guide (PDF’s by Currency)
  • eOne AEP Renewals Guide (Explanation of perpetual license renewals and notifications)
  • eOne Solutions Pricing Update on January 4, 2021 (PDF Guide by Currency)
  • eOne Solutions Pricing Update on January 4, 2021 (PPT by Currency)
  • Sample Email Communication for Partners – Explaining eOne’s 2021 Pricing Changes to Customers
  • Conversation Guides for Partners – Explaining eOne’s 2021 Pricing Changes to Customers

Click here to go to our Partner Resources page.

If you’re a partner with eOne, we’d encourage you to join us on our next Partner All Hands Call on Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 where we’ll discuss these pricing updates.  (Register here)


One important note –

All quotes and invoices generated between November 4, 2020 – January 3, 2021 will have an expiry date of January 3, 2021 and the pricing is based on our Q4 2020 Price List.  

On or after January 4, 2021, all quotes and invoices generated will have an updated expiry date and will include pricing based on our Q1 2021 Price List.


Have questions?  Give us a call at +1-888-319-3663 or email  We look forward to helping you with next steps.