Today we are excited to be releasing a new build of SmartList Builder.

A new release of SmartList Builder has been posted for Microsoft Dynamics GP (18.5.x).  SmartList Builder can be downloaded from the eOne Solutions site here.

SmartList Builder:

The new SmartList Builder build we have posted is version 18.05.0054 for SmartList Builder.  

Here is what is included in the 18.05.0054 Release:

New Features:
  •  SmartList Tracking enhanced
    • Edit properties of a Favorite or remove it
    • Remove Favorite tracking history
    • Export tracking information
    • Track runs at the user level for each favorite in the tables

  • Use different SQL database security roles for publishing in Excel Report Builder
  • Registration Key validation message
  • Link Method now defaults to Left Outer
  • Added Use Current Company checkbox to Navigation List Builder when using SQL Table

Problem Report Fixes:
  • Double click on Navigation List that has a default action causes unhandled exception
  • A Get/Change Operation on table SLB_Goto_Temp cannot find the table when SQL connection lost
  • Navigation List Builder using SQL View as main table if main table was switched from View to Query
  • Navigation List Builder should have a Defined Action to open the PO Entry/Inquiry window
  • SmartList Builder Account Transactions report shows duplicate records
  • SmartList Builder Edit existing calculation causes GP to crash
  • Navigation List Builder – Link Fields show from previous table link when adding in new SQL Table
  • Excel Report Builder OpenSalesOrder DrillDown has wrong param names
  • SmartList Builder install should default the GP install path to the default GP instance

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at