We like to think of Popdock as a great interface to query any type of data in the cloud or on-premise. However, some of our customers have told us they don’t want to login to Popdock to see their information everyday. Were we offended? No! We created the capability to use Scheduled Jobs so you can get the information you want, without logging into any system (except your email!).

The Scheduled Jobs window shown below can be accessed from Developer>Jobs menu:

When a new Scheduled Job is created a screen like below will appear:

Key elements of this window are selecting which connector, list and favorite you want to publish. After selecting list details, we can choose the options on where and when we want this report to be sent. You can send to multiple email addresses, change the subject of the email and choose the time of day this report should run. Additionally, you can choose the frequency this report should run. It could be every day, Monday through Friday, only on Wednesday, on the first and fifteenth of the month or the last day of the month.

So now if you want to be notified of certain situations that need to be addressed like the following:

  • Low on Inventory levels
  • Customers that have more than $5000 in receivables that haven’t paid for 90 days
  • Leads that do not have a source on them in your CRM system
  • Declined credit cards
  • Vendors that we owe more than $1000

There are an unlimited amount of situations but I trust you can see where a process that automatically runs without human interaction could be beneficial to your organization.

If you have any more questions about Scheduling Popdock Reports, feel free to email us at sales@eonesolutions.com or reach out to me, Chris Dew.