Thanks for joining the SmartConnect Office Hours last Friday, March 15th, 2019.  Here is a quick summary of what we covered:

  • Our topic for the day focused on GP Excel templates. We focused on the set up from start to finish and did a basic review on how to run the map.
  • Some of the questions asked included:  
    • How was the SmartConnect webservice installed and configured?
    • Would it be possible to get  a walk-through of a full document cycle between CRM 365 & GP in an upcoming SmartConnect Friday Office hours?
    • Any training coming to Canada? 
    • For a Salesforce integration can you use real time and changes maps?

If you’re interested in attending an upcoming SmartConnect Office Hours, you can sign-up at We host this session weekly at 10am Central Time on Fridays.

Also, we love hearing from our SmartConnect customers and partners about topics they’d like us to cover.  If you have topic suggestions, you can email them to