A quick message to let everyone know that the updated SmartView build for GP 10 was released earlier today. There are a number of fixes/features in this build that customers have been waiting on. Download from the eOne website today.

These include:
1. SmartView is now even faster. Really Fast.
2. SmartView now has a Large List optional setting. Large lists with a maximum record setting will re query the database to apply filter settings, to return all relevant records. Small lists are loaded into local cache so all filtering happens locally on the workstation for extra speed.
3. Fix for the Account Transaction list.
4. Auto Filter Rule providing an individual column by column free text search.
5. Advanced Quick Search – Google (Bing) like searches (only more like Google)

In addition to the above there are a bunch of little fixes that end users will appreciate. If you have not got on board with SmartView yet – there has never been a better time.