SmartList has long been the best thing about Dynamics GP. A good and a bad thing about this is that you had to log into GP to access SmartList.  It was a good in that that’s where you were if you already use GP all day.  It was a bad thing if you were one of the many people in an organization that did not have access to Dynamics GP.

“Making the right information available in the right format at the right time to the right people inside the organisation is vital to efficiency.” I stole this quote from a BI consultancy website but it sums up the value of the information we collect in Dynamics GP.  

The release of our standalone SmartView this week makes delivering on the above statement possible for the average GP user. There is no doubt that all GP users would vote SmartList/SmartView as the most powerful tools for getting to the information you need. The problem was that if SmartList was the only option, the above quote would have read:

Making the right information available in the right format at the right time to the right people inside and outside the organisation is vital to efficiency . . . As long as they have a login to Dynamics GP.   And that does not really make sense.

The new stand alone SmartView fills this gap. Now everyone with a network connection is able to benefit from all the power of SmartView.  There has never been any upside to limiting the data shared across a company.  SmartView breaks down the walls between the haves (GP) and the have nots (GP) which does a world of good for productivity. 

SmartView standalone requires the core SmartView to be in place within GP. External licences are based on named users and will be available based on the following promotional price groupings through to Sept 1st 2012. 

1-10 external users: $1,000
10-30 external users: $2,000
30+ external users: $3,000  

For more information on the release of SmartView standalone please contact