Everyday hundreds of Microsoft Dynamics GP customers are experiencing the fast and flexible interface SmartView provides to their everyday business needs. SmartView allows everyone in your organization access to the exact data each person needs to do their job. The quality of SmartView exceeds expectations and is difficult to deny when our customers can’t stop talking about it!

Take Wintergreen Learning Materials, with at least 850 orders flowing through Microsoft Dynamics GP per week and a sales staff in need of reports, Wintergreen was in need of an end-user tool for their team. Wayne Murphy, the Manager of IT Services knew they found the perfect solution after watching a SmartView demo video from our website. His team found SmartView to be time saving and easy to use. 

“The users especially liked the fact that they could now easily identify the available fields to add as columns in the SmartList. Just that feature alone has cut down my requests for SmartList changes from 3 requests per week to 1 request every three weeks.”

“We are using SmartView to look at every SmartList we need. From Purchase Order lists, to inventory management, to absolutely every list in Sales, it’s all seen in SmartView.”

SmartView makes working with SmartLists a whole lot easier. You may find the rest of this case study and more on our website here. 

If you own SmartList and are in need of a reporting tool or just want to speed things up to save valuable time and money please feel free to email sales@eonesolutions.com if you have any questions – we’d be happy to assist!