I will flesh this story out a little further in coming weeks – but I loved the story highlights I heard today.

In a very large, highly competitive GP bid SmartView become the differentiator that pushed GP into a winning position. This partner is self taught on SmartView and took the time to configure SmartView as the central component of their demonstration. How did they do it?

The sale was based around the ability to make correct project based financial decisions throughout the life of complex building projects. Combining SmartList Builder and Smartview meant that all the data required on a project by Project basis was displayed within SmartView. SmartView become the starting point for all decision making navigation. Using the SV Goto’s the users were able to start within GP and drill to the specific information required.

The comments from the prospect were ‘GP seems to have everything we need in one place, and gives users all the information they need in real time. The fact that the data enquiry tool is also the system navigation tool make it all so simple’.

GP really is the best ERP in the market.