To my potential user,

My name is SmartView. I have been around the GP world for the past 5 years. I have had incredible success making reporting in GP a much easier process for your teams & users currently using SmartLists for reporting. If you choose me, you will benefit from the attributes I provide, including:

  • At least 12 hours of reporting time saved per month, due to the sheer speed and the ability for the users to create their own ad-hoc reports – without having to pull in IT as a resource.
  • You can cut out many GP users licenses by giving select members access to my desktop application – which will allow you to see the same exact SmartLists used every day. This will result in a savings of around $3200/license/per year.
  • At any time, I can create a historical aged trial report in less than a minute. Having me in place would save you at least 2 to 4 hours each month alone on one report.
  • You would own an incredibly intuitive product – you will need to spend just a few minutes “training” the users and they’ll be up and running.

There are multiple other benefits (quick export to Excel, multiple instances available, access to go-to’s in GP, unlimited filters, etc.), but the items listed above alone make me a very worthwhile product – with an estimated ROI of about 1 to 2 months.

If you choose me, the price is $2500 + $437.50 in annual maintenance. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my functionalities and what I can do.

If you have decided to make the wise choice and choose me as your ultimate reporting tool, please email

Thanks and I look forward to working with you in the future,
