Within Extender you can create lookups to look up data from an Extender form. It would be nice to be able to filter that list to exclude let’s say inactive codes for an example, or filter based on a value on the extender form or window you are using the lookup. Let’s start with creating a form with a checkbox to show the record is inactive. Here is my form showing a task code, with the Inactive checkbox marked.

Once that is created, and data added, you need to create a lookup on an Extender window or form to exclude any task code where the Inactive checkbox is marked. On my window I have created this lookup for the task codes, then click the Restrictions Button, then click the Add button.

Once you have clicked the add button, select the Inactive field, and set the other values as shown and save this restriction.

Once you have saved the field and the extender window/form, you can test this restriction. Note TASK2 does not show in my lookup as it is inactive.

Now for a little harder example. I want my lookup to only show records based on a value on the window. For this example, I created a form listing cities and have a field for the state.

Once that is created, and data added, you need to create a lookup on an Extender window or form to exclude any city where the State is the state on the window/form. On my window I have created this lookup for the list of cities, then click the Restrictions Button, then click the Add button.

Once you have clicked the add button, select the State field, the restriction type of equals, the value from is Field and the restriction value is one of the fields on the window/form.

Now the list of cities will be limited to the cities that have the “my state” value match the state value on the city form.

A very quick and easy way to limit the acceptable values within a lookup.

Happy Coding!