We have multiple articles on how to troubleshoot a scheduled map. I have consolidated all these tips into this week’s Tech Tuesday Article. 

The first step you need to do is make sure that you have a schedule server setup and that the service is currently available on the network. The link below shows you how to find any SmartConnect scheduling servers on the network and confirm they are active. 

Checking the scheduled service in SmartConnect 21
If you cannot find the ‘eOne SmartConnect Service’ name in your Window Services list, then you need to Create Windows Service so that the scheduled service can run. You can create Windows Service from the SmartConnect Configuration. See How to Create and start Windows Service in SmartConnect 21.

Checking the scheduled service in SmartConnect 2018

Checking the scheduled service in SmartConnect 2015

Second Step you need to make sure the map is scheduled and that the schedule is active. Do this by following the steps and links:

For SmartConnect 21, Open the Map Integration process >> Schedule tab >> make sure the schedule is active.

Checking if the map is active in SamrtConnect 2018

Checking if the map is active in SmartConnect 2015

3rd Sep is to check the Event Logs

For SmartConnect 21 : Open the SmartConnect client then Open File >>Logs>>Event Logs
For SmartConnect 2018
For SmatConnect 2015

If you are on SmartConnect 2014 or above, and you have administrative rights in SmartConnect you can see the scheduler machine errors in the SmartConnect event log viewer. In this window, the “Machine Name” will be the name of the scheduling server you found in the first step of this process. 

If you are on SmartConnect 2013 or lower, or don’t have admin rights, you need to go to the machine where the scheduler is running and look at the Windows event viewer of that machine for any SmartConnect or eConnect errors. Login to the machine that you found in the first step in this process, then go to the Windows Event Viewer, and go to the Application and Services Logs. In there will be a SmartConnect event log – any errors that occurred while running the scheduler will be in this log.

Lastly, here are some additional information on security considerations for the user configured to run the scheduling service:

Scheduling Security

Have any questions regarding SmartConnect? Feel free to email us at sales@eonesolutions.com!