We love it when customers jump in and take advantage of new product features. Last week we received a message from a long time customer who shared her love of Table Finder – one of the 8 new features we added with our build of SmartList Builder for GP 2013. 
“Hey Martin – 
I just had to drop you a note to tell you that Table Finder is my new favorite feature in GP! 
I use it time and time again to figure out what is where, especially when dealing with new things.  Right now I am setting up the HR system and I opened my master excel sheet that has all the tables list in it (old way to find tables), I was overwhelmed with where to even begin to find what I needed and then I remembered TABLE FINDER!!  5 seconds later, I have my answer!!!
Michelle Kocher
Internal Operations Manager
Delta Medical Systems, Inc.”


So, have you taken a moment to learn more about Table Finder – to help you find the exact tables you need in GP? Take a minute to learn more

Have questions? Let us know – email sales@eonesolutions.com.