Recently we asked channel partners and experts the question – “So, why should customers use SmartList Builder right away, rather than go with the canned SmartList Designer tool from Microsoft?” We’ll be sharing their answers in a new series called “The Expert Knows Best.” Once a week, you’ll hear straight from a partner or channel expert on their opinion as to why they suggest SmartList Builder

Today, we’ll hear from Charles Allen, Microsoft Certified Professional and Senior Managing Consultant at BKD Technologies with more than 22 years of experience as a technology consultant. Take a look at his thoughts below:

“To me, there are 5 quick, no-brainer reasons to use SmartList Builder out of the gate.
  1. Create Navigation Lists, Excel Reports, and Drill Downs.
  2. Create and use data connections.
  3. Display note text.
  4. Display items as a negative.
  5. Extender integration.”
Seems pretty simple. Join the SmartList Builder vs SmartList Designer discussion and share your comments below.
Are you a GP expert who wants to share your top 5 reasons to use SmartList Builder with us? Or are you looking for more info as you make your decision? Let us know – email