While we took a Summer Break from live Office Hours, we’re now back! Sign up here for the new eOne Office Hours!

However, we will still be revisiting some of our most popular sessions from the last couple of years. This week’s Throwback Thursday edition is from a webinar we hosted originally in December.

  • Our topic for this session was Using Popdock & SmartConnect.
  • We covered topics including:
    • Popdock
      • Advanced lists
      • Connections
      • Filtering
    • SmartConnect
      • Popdock as a Source
    • Using Popdock as a Source
    • and more!
  • Here is a link to the recording.

The link to sign up for the new eOne Office Hours is here. If you are interested in more of these Throwback Thursday editions of SmartConnect Office Hours, please subscribe to our blog

We love hearing from our SmartConnect customers and partners about topics they’d like us to cover here in the near future. If you have topic suggestions, you can email them to officehours@eonesolutions.com.