Before upgrading to SmartConnect to V2010 you must take time out to read the upgrade instructions. The upgrade steps are available for download in the same place as the SmartConnect Download, and will also open during the SmartConnect install (but at that point it is often too late).

There are 2 key steps that this document disusses:
1. Before upgrading SmartConnect you MUST have upgraded to either v9.51 or v10.51 of SmartConnect. Before upgrading the current install must end in 51. The SmartConnect 2010 upgrade path is only supported from v51. This is not optional. You will almost definitely lose maps and have maps that will not upgrade if you do not ensure you are upgrading from 51.

The 2010 upgrade is a significant upgrade step, with the big change being that the SmartConnect database is standalone and no longer tied to a specific GP database. The architectural changes are important for SmartConnect and enable us to execute our product road map for SmartConnect over the next few years.

2. Security: We have changed SmartConnect security in SmartConnect 2010 to be entirely active directory driven. The install documents step through the changes that need to occur and how the security process works in 2010. This means that loggin in as ‘sa’ is of little meaning as all SmartConnect cares about is the AD user security. This is an important step as more often than not the users executing SmartConnect maps (through excel, websites and push integrations) are not GP users. So please take the time to read the instructions prior to the upgrade to ensure a smooth and easy transition.