You eat, sleep and breathe SmartLists. They are your GP lifeblood. Every day, without cease, you sort through the information you need from a bunch of lists but question… do I really have the full picture? Could I have all the information I need on one single report? Why does reporting have to feel so complicated (or at the very least clunky)? 

We’re here to help. SmartList Builder lets you create the exact SmartList you need – from ALL your data. Go ahead and build the list across multiple companies. Add in those calculated fields. Create multi-company and summary SmartLists. (And we’re just scratching the surface with what you can do.)

Sound too good to be true? Check out SmartList Builder in action to see it for yourself.

Have questions? Want to know more? Give us a call at +1.888.319.3663 or email We’d love to help you get the SmartLists you need.