Today’s businesses have information stored in a variety of applications. The ability to access data across multiple platforms is necessary for operational efficiency. But what is the right strategy for managing your data?

Check out our past recorded webinar When Do I Need Integration When I Have Microsoft Power Platform.

Integration means something different to everyone according to their unique needs and requirements. When determining your integration strategy, you must first understand what type of integration makes sense for your given scenario.

In some cases, you may be able to solve your business issues using the Microsoft Power Platform. This includes PowerApps, Flow and PowerBI. This powerful suite of tools allows for the creation of simple applications and workflows and also the aggregation and analysis of information.

In other cases, a complete integration tool like SmartConnect is the right choice. SmartConnect is a fully-configurable, no-code solution that enables you to integrate from anywhere, to anywhere.

Then there will be times when you simply need to view the data to perform a certain task or function but don’t need to move it from one data location to another. Popdock allows you to Sort, Group and Report on data from multiple applications

In this webinar, we discussed topics including:

  • What do we mean by integration?
  • Microsoft’s Power Platform
  • eOne’s offerings
  • What is my solution toolbelt?

Watch the recording here:

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