We have been anticipating our fall season here at eOne, as once again we’re traveling near and far to different Microsoft Dynamics GP & CRM partner conferences! We wanted to keep you in the loop of where we’re traveling this fall and who to look for if you happen to be at the same conferences as us this year!

When & Where: eXtreme CRM – Oct. 5th – 8th
Who to look for: Chris Dew & Chris Hanson at booth #104

When & Where: Diamond Municipal – Oct 6th – 8th
Who to look for: Abbey Cooper & Alicia Bement

When & Where: Synergy Conference at Wennsoft – Oct. 6th – 9th
Who to look for: Lorren Zemke at booth #4

When & Where: Tribridge – Oct 8th
Who to look for: Martin Olsen

When & Where: DFC Consultants – Oct 8th
Who to look for: Nicole Albertson & Naomi Olson

When & Where: GPUG Summit – Oct. 14th – 17th
Who to look for: Nicole A., Abbey C., Martin O., Chris D., Nick W.

When & Where: CRMUG Summit – Oct. 14th – 17th
Who to look for: Nicole A., Abbey C., Martin O., Chris D., Nick W. 

When & Where: Tribridge – Oct. 16th
Who to look for: Abbey Cooper & Martin Olson

When & Where: McGladrey User Group – Oct. 28th
Who to look for:Martin Olsen 

When & Where: reIMAGINE – Nov. 10th – 14th
Who to look for: The Whole eOne Team!!

When & Where: Implementation Specialist – Nov. 20th – 21st
Who to look for: Alicia Bement, Chris Dew & Nicole Albertson

If you’re attending any of these conferences this fall let us know at sales@eonesolutions.com as we’d love to catch up with you! For other trainings and eOne events check out our calendar here.