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Early fall of 2015, Zendesk announced that it would be transitioning its Microsoft Dynamics CRM Integration to eOne Solutions.  Our mission was to update, deliver and support the Zendesk-Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 integration and to also support Zendesk’s integrations to previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Fast forward to today, we’re pleased to share that the Zendesk-CRM integration is now compatible and available for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016.  Like previous versions of the integration, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 compatible Zendesk integration can be purchased on the Zendesk Marketplace.

About the Zendesk-CRM Integration:

Integrating Zendesk, which is a cloud-based customer service platform, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows for delivering a holistic view of your customers to both your sales and support teams.  The Zendesk-CRM Integration offers a dynamic two-way integration between ticket data from Zendesk and customer data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

View the quick video below, which describes the Zendesk – CRM integration:

Zendesk Video

Our Zendesk-CRM Integration FAQ includes information regarding the most common questions we’ve received, and can be viewed here.

If you have any questions, let us know!  We’re happy to help.  (You can reach us by emailing sales@eonesolutions.com or by calling 888-319-3663).