• Customer Stories
  • SmartConnect Sweetens the Deal for Totally Chocolate’s Real-time GP Integration
Customer Story

SmartConnect Sweetens the Deal for Totally Chocolate’s Real-time GP Integration

How Totally Chocolate achieved on-time fulfillment and order accuracy running real-time to and from Dynamics GP.

Totally Chocolate’s Background

Totally Chocolate is dedicated to designing and producing custom chocolate for corporate gifts and sales promotions. Producing over 1500 pounds of product per hour for orders spanning the globe, Totally Chocolate needed an integration solution to bring orders into Microsoft Dynamics GP from a .NET customer integration application and do it in real-time to ensure their orders are always accurate and shipped on-time.

Totally Chocolate is one of the leading customizable chocolate companies around. Supporting and receiving orders on the company website from businesses around the globe, Totally Chocolate produces hundreds of SOP transactions per day.

SmartConnect and the eOne team provided exactly the solution we needed. Updating everything real-time without having to purchase extra GP licenses or undergoing an expensive development effort.

Greg Posel, Controller at Totally Chocolate

The Solution

Totally Chocolate uses a business specific .NET order capture system to capture the complexity of incoming orders. It is critical that the orders hit production quickly, and priority orders need to integrate instantly.

As .NET developers, the Totally Chocolate developers did not have a deep understanding of Dynamics GP, and with SmartConnect they never needed to become GP gurus. With minimal training, they were able to map direct from the source data. The next step was to call the SmartConnect web service from the .NET code, which completed the automated integration.

Writing back to the order system was an important part of the project. As orders are created in GP, the SOP Invoice number, pricing and inventory details had to push back. Using SmartConnect’s flexible development environment, the updates were built through SmartConnect tasks. The tasks ran on successful integrations to GP and kept both systems completely synchronized.

“SmartConnect and the eOne team provided exactly the solution we needed. Updating everything real-time without having to purchase extra GP licenses, or undergoing an expensive development effort,” explains Greg Posel, Controller.

SmartConnect allowed everything to run real-time to and from Dynamics GP, so Totally Chocolate could always be sure that their orders were accurate and on time. If there are any errors during the process an email is triggered indicating which invoice failed, and the errors can be reprocessed, without any effort at all.