Customer Story

SmartView Empowers SSI Group with Agile Healthcare Reporting

Relying heavily on SmartList for reporting, SSI Group wanted a faster and more flexible reporting tool.

SSI Group’s Background

The SSI Group is leading the healthcare industry in claims management technology, EDI Platforms and networking. They provide a wide range of provider/payer/physician services and technologies for managing the revenue cycle.

Processing over 350 million transactions annually and relying on SmartList in Microsoft Dynamics GP as their reporting tool, The SSI Group, Inc. began to search for a solution that would provide flexible reporting. They found with SmartList that the reports were “antiquated and inflexible” and that most reports required “manual” work anyway – exporting to Excel to do totaling, subtotaling and adding more filters. At a training class hosted by the eOne team, Jason Jones, Financial Analyst at SSI, found the solution.

“I was looking at many other tools to speed this process up but once I saw SmartView with its ability to add more than 4 filters, drag and drop columns, subtotaling and more, I knew it was exactly what we needed.”

The Solution – Flexibility & Speed

Before SmartView, Jones and his team would “pull their hair out” trying to find reports and wait for SmartList to load. “Once SmartView came in we started seeing thousands of records in just a second or less, whereas with SmartList we would wait for a long time and sometimes wouldn’t even get any results back!” Continuing, Jones shared: “SmartView is very straightforward and intuitive. You just look at the guide and you’re done.”

When asked about recommending SmartView, Jones’ boldly claims “you would be stupid not to have it!” explaining that: “just the flexibility of it gives you the information that SmartList does not give you. It makes it faster, easier and you can drill it down to exactly what you need, right there inside the tool!”

“SmartView is very straightforward and intuitive. You just look at the guide and you’re done.

Jason Jones, Financial Analyst at SSI Group