
Assigning Segments

You can use the Assign Segments window to assign segment values to the properties of the document.


To assign segment values:

1.Select the distribution type from the Distributions list.
2.Select the segment from the Segments list.
3.Click on the expansion button to open the Assign Segments window.

Assign Segments


4.Select the Segment for each field value. Select (Do Not Recode) if you do not want the segment to be recoded for the selected field value.
5.Click on the OK button. If you have selected a top-level distribution type, it will take a few seconds while the settings that you have entered roll down to the lower levels.


To fill a range of segment values:

1.Click on the Fill Segments button to open the Fill Segments window.

Fill Segments


2.Select the segment that you want to change the range of segments to.
3.Select the range of segments that you want to change.
4.Select the range of values that you want to change the segments for.
5.Click on the Process button.