SmartConnect 2018

Tabs and Toolbars

Map tab

Map Tab

oMaps - shows the list of maps available to the current user on the main SmartConnect window.
oReal time data sources - shows the list of real time data sources (by connector type) to the user.
oSchedules - changes the main SmartConnect window to a list of scheduled maps.
oProcess Errors - shows a list of all errors that require user attention.
oCreate - opens a new map setup window ready for map creation.
oDuplicate - opens the duplicate map window.
oRun - opens the map run window.
oActivity - opens the map activity window showing maps that are currently locked by users or processes.
oMap logs - opens the map trace log window.


Setup tab

Setup Tab

Setup - opens the SmartConnect setup window where Connector settings are defined.
System maintenance - opens the SmartConnect system maintenance window.
Security - handles SmartConnect user security. User connector security is also set up here for each connector.
Web security - displays the settings for the SmartConnect WCF REST service.
Schedule servers - allows management of the SmartConnect windows service.
Running servers - shows all machines that have connected to the SmartConnect database. Useful for upgrades.
Integration groups - provides a method of grouping maps into groups for display on the main map window.


Maintenance tab

Maintenance Tab 1


Maintenance Tab 2


Maintenance Tab 3

SmartConnect maintenance
oTranslation tables - displays the translation tables set up within SmartConnect.
oImport - import SmartConnect objects from xml or sce file.
oExport - export SmartConnect objects to sce file.
oScript templates - contains a list of script templates for SmartConnect.
oSQL command templates - contains a list of MSSQL command templates for SmartConnect.
oEmail templates - contains a list of email templates for SmartConnect.
Create Excel template - create a Dynamics GP or CRM 2016/Dynamics 365 excel template.
Generic connector
oODBC data source - allows setup and maintenance of default ODBC connections.
oOLEDB data source - allows setup and maintenance of default OLEDB connections.
oMSSQL defaults - allows setup and maintenance of default MSSQL connections.
oGlobal variables - maintain and create user global variables.
oGlobal constants - maintain and create global constants.
oGlobal rolling columns - create and maintain global rolling columns.
Dynamics GP Connector
oDynamics GP query - setup and maintain Dynamics GP system connections.
oNode maintenance - maintain eConnect nodes for use within SmartConnect.
Web service connector
oData source setup - set up web services that may be used as SmartConnect web service data sources.
oDestination Setup - set up web services that may be used as SmartConnect web service destinations.


Logs tab

Logs Tab

Web service
oSecurity logs - view WCF REST service security logs. Security logs contain all service calls that have failed security checks.
oActivity logs - view WCF REST activity logs.
oRequest logs - view WCF REST request logs.
Debug logs - view debug logs from map runs.
Event logs - view event viewer entries created by SmartConnect.


Admin tab

Note: the SmartConnect administrator password must be entered before options on this menu may be accessed.

Admin Tab

Decrypt XML - decrypt a .sce file exported from SmartConnect.
Maintain Tenants - allows users to maintain tenants across multiple maps in one place.
Delete Map - allows users to delete maps that are no longer valid and cannot be deleted via the map grid.
oChange user - impersonate another user within the SmartConnect client.
oSet to current - cancel impersonation and set the user back to the current user.
oChange admin password - change the system administrator password.
Upgrade from CRM 4 - upgrade a Dynamics CRM 4 SmartConnect installation to Dynamics CRM 2011.
Upgrade Extender to 2013 - upgrade Extender maps to Extender 2013.


Help tab

Help Tab

Register - register SmartConnect.
Help - view SmartConnect help locally.
Online help - view SmartConnect help online at
About - view version information about the SmartConnect installation.