SmartConnect 2018

Task Events

There are seven different stages during SmartConnect map processing at which tasks may be initiated:

1.Tasks that run before the map.
2.Map data checks.
3.Tasks that run before a document.
4.Tasks that run after a document fails.
5.Tasks that run after a document succeeds.
6.Tasks that run after a map fails.
7.Tasks that run after a map succeeds.


Tasks that run before the map:

After the map data checks have completed and before map processing begins tasks may be triggered. All tasks are available to be run at this stage.


Map data checks:

After a map run has retrieved the specified data from the map data source, and before the map processing begins a map data check may be run. The only task able to be run at this stage is the Sql Validation task which validates data source data against predetermined MSSQL requirements before releasing the data source information for processing.


Tasks that run after a map succeeds:

After the map run has completed successfully these tasks may be run. All tasks except validation tasks are available at this stage. A map success task will only run if all prior map tasks and processing was completed successfully.


Tasks that run after a map fails:

If any processes or tasks fail during map processing map fail tasks are triggered.


Tasks that run before each document:

Before each document is processed during a map run tasks may be triggered..


Tasks that run after a document succeeds:

Tasks may be triggered after processing for a document completes successfully.


Tasks that run after a document fails:

Tasks may be triggered after processing for each document that fails.