Reset Filters

SmartList Builder 2016

SmartList Builder 2016 Release 16.00.0031

Problem Reports Fixed in Build 16.00.0031

CMPNTSEQ field on a modified Sales line Items SmartList
ERB - Preview Data doesn't display last column selected
SLB doesn't put single quotes around company name or interid when using Special Fields for Preview
SLB: after removing a SQL Table/View from the report, the old table links still show when open Add SQL Table
SLB: In SQL Table window, if you change the table for an existing table node the table links don't clear
When switching the Product/SmartList/GoTo of a built-in GoTo, SLB does not remove previous parameters




Release Date:  4/6/2018

Compatible GP Versions:  Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 (all builds as of release date)