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SmartList Builder 2016

Removing SmartLists

You can use the SmartList Builder window to remove a SmartList. You can only remove SmartLists that have been previously created with SmartList Builder.


To remove an existing SmartList:

1.Open the SmartList Builder window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> SmartList Builder >> SmartList Builder).
2.Select the SmartList Type.
3.Enter the SmartList ID or select the SmartList that you want to remove.


When an existing SmartList is removed from SmartList Builder, the default version will be redisplayed in SmartList. All favorites created for the modified SmartList will be deleted.


4.Click Delete.
5.Open the SmartLists window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> SmartList). If the SmartList window is already open, the SmartList will be automatically removed.
6.Click Yes to remove the SmartList.