Reset Filters

SmartList Builder 2016

Adding Tasks

Tasks are things that happen after the selected form has been opened. There are six task types that can be used:

Set the value of a field - sets the value of a field on the form to a value in the SmartList.
Run a field script - runs any scripts that would normally run when changing a value on a field or clicking on a button.
Set a field value and run the field script.
Move the focus to a field - moves the cursor to a field.
Run a macro - runs a Microsoft Dynamics GP macro.
Wait for a few seconds - pauses for a specified number of seconds.


To add a task:

1.Click Add.

SLB GoTo Task


2.Select the type of task.
3.Enter the details for the task.
4.Click Save.



If you are using macro tasks, it is recommended that you only use one macro in each Go To to avoid conflicts.