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SmartList Builder 2018

SmartList Builder 2018 Release 18.00.0008

New Features in Build 18.00.0008

SmartList Designer to SmartList Builder Upgrade Tool  (More Info)



Problem Reports Fixed in Build 18.00.0008

CMPNTSEQ field on a modified Sales Line Items SmartList
ERB - Preview Data doesn't display last column selected
SLB doesn't put single quotes around company name or interid when using Special Fields for Preview
SLB: after removing a SQL Table/View from the report, the old table links still show when open Add SQL Table
SLB: In SQL Table window, if you change the table for an existing table node the table links don't clear
When switching the Product/SmartList/GoTo of a built-in GoTo, SLB does not remove previous parameters



Release Date:  4/6/2018

Compatible GP Versions:  Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 (all builds as of release date)