

To setup the Analytical Accounting Posting Reports for the inventory series:

1.Open the Great Plains Report Setup window b going to Microsoft Dynamics GP - Tools - Setup - Posting - Posting.
2.If you are turning off the AA reporting options then de-select the reports below instead of adding the file paths.
3.We will be changing the Series and Origin for the options below to change the required AA report.



Transaction Entry

1.Select the Series of Inventory and the Transaction Entry.

IV Transaction Entry


2.Mark the AA Inventory Transaction Journal report.

IV Transaction Entry Report


3.Select the file type checkbox and change the type to Html.
4.The report path needs to be the same as the path in the Report Setup window of SmartPost and the report name should be IVTransactionEntry.htm. (Please note that this report path and name needs to be exact for SmartPost to pickup the report and mail it.)



Transfer Entry

1.Select the Series of Inventory and the Origin of Transfer Entry.

IV Transfer Entry


2.Mark the AA Inventory Transfer Journal report.

IV Transfer Entry Report


3.Select the file type checkbox and change the type to Html.
4.The report path needs to be the same as the path in the Report Setup window of SmartPost and the report name should be IVTransferEntry.htm. (Please note that this report path and name needs to be exact for SmartPost to pickup the report and mail it.)