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SmartView 2018

SmartView Internal 2018 Release 18.0.15

Problem Reports Fixed in Build 18.0.15

Quotes for prospects not returning
GP Receivings Line Items list pulling wrong POP Type
Account segments not showing for new company
Inventory Transactions in SmartView
Receivings Transaction does not show Purchase Receipt for new vendors (without PM00201 summary record)
When using Purchase Orders GoTo for Purchase Order Print Options, we get illegal address error
Multidimensional Analysis SmartView report duplicates data
Post Date on SmartView PA Timesheet Historical Trx report is formatted as currency and not date
Sales Transaction SmartView - Sales Document Status not defined
Document Status differs between SmartView and SmartList for Purchase Line Items
Hold field differs between SmartView and SmartList Purchase Orders
Line SEQ Number field for the Field Service Contract Lines SmartView is being formatted as currency
In the Field Service > RMA Lines SmartView the Line SEQ Number fields are being formatted as currency
The data in RMA Status column of RMA Lines SmartView does not match the data in the RMA Lines SmartList
Field Service > RMA Lines SmartView dates are displayed as 1/1/1900
Field Service RTV Lines SmartView RTV Status is incorrect
Field Service RTVs SmartView displays the Vendor ID in the Entry Date field
Field Service RTV SmartView Void Status does not match the SmartList Void Status
Field Service Work Orders SmartView SVC_Depot_Priority field is formatted as currency
Field Service Work Orders SmartView Total Labor Hours field is formatted as currency
In the default Financial Account Summary SmartView the credit and debit columns are in reverse order of the default SmartList
If Account Category Number field is blank in SQL, in SmartView the field is populating as blank and in SmartList the field is populating as 0
Human Resources Employee Benefit SmartView populates Eligibility Date field with 1/1/1900
Trying to edit filter without visible columns on SmartView throws Index out of range error
eOne.SmartView.AgedTrialBalanceOptions Method not found error
Control Type field Values
Invalid Column Name error in SmartView Internal accessing Extender checkbox in out of the box SmartList
All call stacks are in use when using a GoTo and a modal dialog is given by GP
SmartView Internal Shows wrong values in Drop List for Extender List fields (re-ordered) with SmartList Integration
Extender Field ID 100 does not work in SmartView Internal when added via Extender SmartList Integration



Release Date:  1/24/2019