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Dynamics GP Suite – Flexicoder


Recode & automate GL distributions.

Use and set complex coding

Automate your whole re-coding process

No need to hire programmers.

Save time and reduce errors.


No-code setup

Recode & Automate

Remove the risks of human errors from manual coding by using Flexicoder’s automation:

  • Automate with configurable rules and references
  • Split or reallocate based on line item values
  • Restrict processes from running based on logic
  • Integrated with data from Extender forms and windows
  • Improve your GL reporting and analysis
Trusted & Powerful

Recode your GL distributions with ease

  • Item
  • Item Class
  • Customer
  • Customer Class
  • Territory
  • Sales Person
  • SOP Document Type
  • Currency
  • Any Extender drop-down list or checkbox field linked to an item, a customer, or an SOP document. This means that if all the above fields do not give you the identifiers you need, then build it in Extender. Use your Extender fields to drive your Microsoft Dynamics GP posting

Recoding your distributions doesn’t have to be manual.

Get clever with Flexicoder

  • Plug into an easy-to-use, practically DIY data management ecosystem
  • Ready, set, close! Boost your efficiency and get better results for your customers.
  • Re-code efficiently.