I have long been skeptical of all things Virtual. Virtual Reality, Virtual Hair, Virtual Golf, Virtual PC’s, Virtual Servers, Virtual Wife, Virtual Schools and the list goes on. I am not sure when the pretend got better than the actual. My son has his 6th birthday next week and the top of the list was a Wii so he could play virtual sports. I have bucked the trend and purchased a real Ping Pong table – so he can learn to hit a real ball! (His birthday is not until next week so I trust he does not read my blog!)

Microsoft launched Virtual Convergence this week! It is really very good. So if you want a refresher of the things you saw, or missed some sessions and want to catch up – this is a great tool. I was not an early riser in Atanta this year, but have been able to catch up on those keynote and general sessions that were at completely inappropriate times of the day.

Virtual convergence is no substitute for the real thing, but it is a great resource for those that did and did not attend. If your boss has asked you to report on what went on in Atlanta and what you learnt (and your staying out in pubs until 3am is not a good answer) – here is your chance to watch some sessions and find out what really happened.

I have linked below some of my favorite sessions, and am arrogant enough to include those ones that featured the eOne team.

GP General Session: This is a must watch to remember that GP is the best ERP in the market with a really positive future.

Personalizing with eXtender: The session cover GP Extender end to end with plenty of Questions and Answers throughout. A great way to learn what is on the minds of GP customers in regards to Extender.

Excel Report Builder: Nicole Albertson does a great job at educating everyone about how to build Excel Report Builder Reports.

50 tips for GP: Mark Polino teaches you 50 things you may not know.

Happy Watching.